Can high earners enjoy a work-life balance too?
It’s often said that a high salary comes with little time to enjoy the rewards of your success.
But does earning a high earner mean you have to sacrifice the very things that bring you joy and make life worth living?
In this article, we look at how you can you find that balance and enjoy yourself outside of work, while still delivering your best in the workplace?
Work out what matters to you
Firstly, identity what makes you happy outside of the office. It could be something as simple as spending more time with family and friends, exercising or listening to music. It’s also been noted that high performers tend to like hobbies which are out of the ordinary, to help engage them, improving their mental health.
Once you understand what your priorities are, this will give you something clear to aim for.
Manage your time
Tight deadlines and back-to-back meeting can come hand-in-hand with a high salary, but I’s important that it doesn’t completely take over your life.
Setting yourself clear boundaries, such as sticking to designated working hours, and not checking your emails outside of those hours can help you gain a sense of control.
This of course is easier in theory then it is in real life, but small steps can go a long way.
For example, using online planners or project management tools, and even setting your “out of office” on your emails when you log off each day can make a huge difference.
Invest in self-care
Don’t treat self-care as something that is optional. You don’t want to work yourself to ill health. There’s not much point of enjoying a higher salary if you’re well-being is negatively affected.
Doing things that you enjoy, help you switch off, refresh, and recharge your batteries, will help you to be the best version of yourself at work.
Self-care comes in may forms, from eating nutritious foods regularly and staying hydrated, to making sure you get enough exercise and sleep. What works for somebody else might not work for you. So, it’s best to find out what works best for you and stick with it, to be physically and mentally ready for your work.
Delegate and outsource
It’s so easy to feel burdened and overwhelmed by the pace of modern life, while your task lists and responsibilities continue to mount up. However, you don’t have to do it all yourself.
You could free up precious hours at home, for example, by hiring a cleaner or gardener, or delegate tasks at work to trusted members of your team.
Help is at hand, so use it.
Define what success looks like to you
For many, pursuing a high salary at the expense of everything else, is all that matters and their main measure of success. Which is fine for those people, but that is certainly not true for everyone. Some people might work to achieve a decent income, to have the means to enjoy a happy fulfilled life with a sense of security and freedom.
We’re all different, so don’t be swayed by someone else’s idea of what success looks like, if that doesn’t reflect what you want out of life.
Seek financial advice
Managing finances can be a difficult task for everyone, but when you’re on a high salary you can often face unique financial challenges. We would always advise speaking with a regulated financial adviser with experience of working with high-net individuals.
You can then spend time concentrating on what really matters to you, and truly enjoy the rewards of your hard work.
If you have any questions about managing your finances and ensuring your money is working hard for you, our team of Wealth Experts can offer you their insights and specialist advice. Get in touch with one of our team to discuss further how we can help.